Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of the questions which many clients have before their appointments, if you can't find what you're looking for here please get in touch!
Where can I read more about Ozone Therapy?
We have more information on our website about how Ozone works which you can find here. If you want to find out even more about Medical Ozone we suggest visiting the Ozone Society or The International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy.
Is Ozone Therapy Safe?
Medical Ozone Therapy is not only safe, it is healing. Over the last two decades plenty of research has been conducted assessing the safety and effectiveness of Ozone as a treatment for a range of conditions. You can find research papers on the National Library of Medicine (US).
Confusion surrounding Ozone being unsafe often come from understanding the difference between Ozone and Medical Ozone. Ozone gasses in the atmosphere are a pollutant and can be harmful to life. Medical Ozone is made of pure O3, which is safe when administered by fully trained, experienced professionals, and is never inhaled.
What proof is there that Ozone works?
Medical Ozone Therapy has been helping people since the 1940s and the testimonials speak for themselves. We have only received 100% positive feedback from our treatment. Research studies on the effectiveness of Medical Ozone are increasing and you can find some publicly available on websites such as Research Gate.
What can Ozone Therapy be used for?
Medical Ozone Therapy has a range of applications, the list of uses is almost endless. The best results have been found in treatment of wounds, diabetes, lyme disease, joint/back pain, arthritis and respiratory conditions.
How much does Ozone cost?
Due to its range of treatment and differect types of application, the cost of Medical Ozone treatment can vary. For accurate costing and to determine the right treatment plan for you please contact the clinic.
As a example, a simple injection of ozone could cost £65.00, a course of MAHT with UVBI could cost around £300.00 per session.
Are there any contraindications to Ozone?
Advice from the Ozone Society state the below are contraindications to the procedure:
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency (Favism)
Acute haemolytic anemia
Hyperthyroidism (non controlled)
Major Auto-Haemotherapy is not indicated in leukemia
Not performed in Very Advanced Stages of HIV
Additional contraindications include:
Citrus allergy (due to use of sodium citrate)
How can I prepare for my treatment?
Stay well hydrated, this will ensure we are able to obtain a vein for your infusion.
Limit alcohol and sugar intake prior to your Ozone treatment as these are known to affect the results.
If you are nervous when having blood taken or your health care professionals struggle to access your veins, let us know in advance so that we can discuss your individual needs prior to your appointment.
What should I expect at my appointment?
You will meet one of our nurses on arrival who will discuss your individual needs and plan your treatment with you. Each treatment is delivered slightly differently so this will be explained at the time.
Our nurses will have you seated on a couch or chair while they prepare you for your treatment. They will be looking and feeling your arms to identify a suitable place for the needle ready for your infusion if you are booked for MAHT.
Our nurses will talk you through each step of the process to make sure you understand what is happening. You will also have an opportunity to ask question.
How can I get the most out of my treatment
Ozone therapy is an excellent treatment for a variety of conditions, however, it does rely on you making some lifestyle changes in order to benefit from its full effects, some of these are:
Maintaining a healthy balanced diet, avoiding sugars and sweeteners.
Limit alcohol intake, if possible, abstaining completely.
Do continue with your conventional medical treatments which have been prescribed by your health care professionals. We do not advocate stopping any medication that has been prescribed by your Doctor without speaking to them first.
Following your treatment, you may wish to take it easy for the rest of that day, some people do experience some mild side effects and that includes feeling tired, you may need to rest a little more for a couple of days.
Research evidence suggests that regular Ozone treatment is recommended for ongoing benefits to be recognised, while you can have a “one of” treatment, we recommend a course of treatment to ensure the maximum benefit.
Speak to our nurses with any concerns, they can help you understand the treatment, explain the side effects and generally support and advise you as you are undergoing treatment.
What should I do if I have any more questions?
Our friendly team and experienced clinicians are always happy to answer any questions you may have. Please get in touch to discuss your queries in more detail.