Medical Ozone Therapy
Types of
Due to its anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, Medical Ozone can be used to treat a range of conditions. medical Ozone can also be used for pain relief, wound healing and injury recovery. Most recently Medical Ozone has been used cosmetically for acne and anti-aging treatments.
Major Autohaemotherapy (MAHT)

Here, a small amount of blood (60mls) is drawn from a vein through a small needle (Butterfly) into the chamber of a special giving set (PHOTO). Ozone is added to the blood in the chamber using a syringe and the chamber is gently swirled to ensure that the Ozone diffuses into the blood. This Ozonated blood is then reinfused via the same giving set and needle back into the vein. Each time this process is completed, this is referred to as a ‘pass’. It is usual to have up to 4 passes in one treatment session with only one needle required.
MAHT therapy is best suited for conditions such as:
Illness recovery​
General health and wellness
Lyme disease
Bacterial conditions
This treatment requires an initial consultation during which our experience clinician will discuss the best treatment plan, dosage and course of therapy to help achieve your desired outcomes.
Appointments last around 45 minutes and prices start from £125.00 (+initial appointment cost. Additional passes from £25.00).
Ozone Injection

A syringe containing Ozone, is injected directly into painful areas around joints using a small needle. Before the injection, your practitioner will identify the areas to be treated (max 3 each limb) and will offer to numb the area with a special numbing cream or freeze spray.
Ozone injections are best suited for conditions such as:
Sports injuries and recovery
Arthritis and inflammatory conditions
Joint pain
Conditions such as; Repetitive strain injury, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow,
This treatment requires an initial consultation during which our experience clinician will discuss the best treatment plan, dosage and course of therapy to help achieve your desired outcomes.
Appointments last around 30 minutes and prices start from £65.00 for two injections to one treatment area (+initial appointment cost).
Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) with Medical Ozone

Using a smaller amount of blood than with the standard intravenous medical ozone, ultraviolet light is passed through the blood as it enters the giving set via a special machine. The machine is set to deliver the exact amount of UV light to successfully irradiate the blood to destroy toxins, bacteria and viruses and increase the oxygen power of the blood. Combined with Ozone this gives the body a supercharged immune response.
Less blood is required to treat, Ozone therapy would usually benefit from 3-4 passes (one pass is when the blood is removed via the vein, ozonated and reinfused into the same vein), when adding the UV treatment, it is only necessary to carry out 1 pass.
UVBI boosts the effects of MAHT even further , this treatment is best suited for:
Illness recovery​
General health and wellness
Lyme disease
Bacterial conditions
This treatment requires an initial consultation during which our experienced clinician will discuss the best treatment plan, dosage and course of therapy to help achieve your desired outcomes.
Appointments last around 45 minutes and prices start from £175.00 (+initial appointment cost. Additional passes from £25.00).

Want to find out more? Book an appointment? Contact our helpful team now.